Sayad Case Study


Our campaign leverages the Tradition Shift cognitive bias, which highlights how evolving cultural norms can influence language use and interpretation. As society progresses, different generations adopt new terms while others retain traditional ones. For instance, in Arabic, some people say (Ton) while others say (Tuna), yet both refer to the same product—tuna. This shift in language reflects changing cultural preferences and interpretations.

Similarly, Al Sayad Tuna transcends generational and linguistic differences. Whether consumers are connected to tradition or embrace modern expressions, the one thing that remains constant is the quality of Al Sayad. The product has become a beloved household staple across generations, evolving as cultural norms change. No matter what you call it—whether it’s “Ton” or “Tuna”—”Sayad” is always the true “catch,” maintaining its relevance over time. Our campaign highlights this simple truth: regardless of the word you use, it’s always Sayad.

1 %
Followers Growth

Total Imression

0 %
Reach Saturation

Reach Saturation

0 %

Engagement Rate

1 %
Followers Growth

Followers Growth